Terms & Conditions
The access to and use of this site confirms the fact that you have accepted the terms and conditions listed below.
The content on this website is the property of the Prin Banat team. Parts that take exception to this have the original sources specified.
The reproduction of the texts and photos published on this website, in a full or partial form, with or without specifying the source, without the written agreement of the team is forbidden and will be dealt with through a legal form. The moral, juridic or any other type of responsibility of everything written in the articles belongs entirely to the Prin Banat team. The moral, juridic or other type of responsibility of everything written in the comments belongs entirely to their authors.
The terms and conditions can be modified at any time by the site administrator, without the notice of those that use it. The users will have permanent access to the terms and conditions for the usage of services, in order to consult them at any moment.