
Alexandra Palconi

Alexandra Palconi

Alexandra Palconi is a true lady born and raised in Banat, at the bottom of the Poiana Ruscă Mountains after which she was successfully adopted by the city of Timişoara. She kept expressing her love for the Banat lands until she influenced every one of us and we woke up as a part of the Prin Banat team.

Flavius Neamciuc

Flavius Neamciuc

If you ever wondered who takes those gorgeous photographs you see on our website, the mystery can now be revealed. Flavius Neamciuc is the official Prin Banat photographer and he deserves full credit for those amazing photos.

Lia Radoi

Lia Pffeifer

If creativity were a person, Lia Rădoi would be the closest example that would come to our minds. The entire visual identity of Prin Banat, including all graphic materials that have been or will be made, will all be credited to and created by Lia.

Cristian Sitov

Cristian Sitov

The Prin Banat website would not be standing and looking the way it does, without the help of our IT master, Cristian Sitov. Originally from Ardeal (Transylvania), he also fell in love with the Banat lands, which he immortalizes with his drone on the field trips of the team.