The watermills of Rudăria

In Banat, at the bottom of the Almăjului Mountains, hides one of the largest and most spectacular molinological reservations in all of South-East Europe. The 22 dip bucket watermills of Rudăria (Caraș-Severin county) delight through their vernacular architecture and beautify the Rudărica River banks over a distance of 3 km. Although they date since the […]

The “Tower on the Hill” of Grădinari

During the summer of last year, traveling towards Oraviţa, our attention was caught by this isolated stone tower, perched upon a hill, close to Grădinari village. We kept wondering about its story and, not so long ago, we went back in order to find all about it. The mysterious “Tower on the Hill” is 300 […]

The Neptun (Baths) Palace from Timişoara

In 2014, the full century was celebrated since the construction works at the Neptun (Baths) Palace were finalized. This is one of the most emblematic buildings of Timişoara, known for its large bath facility and swimming pool, both of which existed, not long ago, right here. Today, the edifice hosts office spaces for companies, a […]

The Mocioni mansion of Foeni

Few are those who know that the actual community center from the Foeni commune (Timiş County) was once part of the five residences belonging to the Mocioni family of Banat. Built in 1750, the Mocioni family mansion from Foeni is one of the oldest buildings from the land of Banat. Unfortunately, just like most of […]

The oldest wooden church of Banat

In Crivina de Sus, a village situated on the right bank of the Bega river, right at the border between the Timiş and Hunedoara counties, a real 300 year old treasure is kept: the oldest wooden church of Banat. This place of worship with the patron known as “Cuvioasa Paraschiva” (Pious Paraschiva), dates back to […]

Lindenfeld, the abandoned village

Lindenfeld is a mountain village from the Caraş-Severin county, built by the pemi (German colonists that came from Boemia), and today abandoned. The tough life conditions, the harsh winters and the difficult access roads have lead to a gradual decrease of the population, the last known person to live here was registered almost two decades […]