The Banaterra Castle from Srpska Crnja

In the frontier village of Srpska Crnja, located less than 10 km from Jimbolia, is the “youngest” castle from the Serbian territory of the Banat area. It was built during the Second World War, at the order of a Nazi general, on a plot of land that once belonged to the Csekonics Count. During the […]

Stories from Sârbova village

In 1935, in Sârbova, a village from the Banat region near the city of Buziaş, a team of specialists of the Banat-Crişana Social Institute (Institutul Social Banat-Crişana) was arriving. For an entire month, they did research and gathered information from the locals, with the purpose of finding out the reasons for the depopulation phenomenon, which […]

The Marius Matei ethnographic collection

In Giroc, a rich commune from the Timişoara suburbs, one of the most authentic collections of traditional Romanian costumes from the plain area of Banat is carefully kept. The result of over 12 years of meticulous search, enthusiasm, effort and expense, today has resulted in a collection of over 1000 pieces of clothing and accessories […]

The Oraviţa train station

In 1847, seven years before the inauguration of the first railroad in Romania of today, in the city of Oraviţa, work at what became the oldest train station in Romania was being finished. The edifice was equipped with an elevator – passageway, in order to give access to the platform from the upper street level, […]

The village of Caraşova

The village of Caraşova is located in the Caraş-Severin county, at the entrance to the Caraş Gorge. It benefits from the charming natural surroundings and it is also a starting point for the trail towards the National Park Semenic-Caraş Gorge, one of the most important touristic trails of the mountainous area of Banat. At the […]

The Putna village of Banat

Putna is a village that belongs to the Prigor commune (in the Caraș-Severin county), located on the Putna Valley at the bottom of the Almăjului Mountains. We were over there when searching for the ancient watermills, similar to those from Rudăria. But, how it often happens during our research trips, in Putna we have discovered […]